Start hiring the right people and transforming employee performance
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Get immediate access to Thrive features:
Test Candidates
Test candidates to ensure you hire the right people with the right behaviours and skills. Use our personalised interview questions to structure the interview
Employee development
Assessments to help understand and develop employee behaviours, skill gaps, engagement, wellbeing. Receive development plans and actionable insights
Sourcing talent
Thrive's database of active, pre-assessed candidates to help top up your pipeline if needed. Interview immediately
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All fields are mandatory. If you are a candidate and not an employer, this isn’t for you.

By creating an account, you confirm that you agree to Thrive's terms & conditions and privacy policy. As part of this you will receive occasional emails relating to our product and related news
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All fields are mandatory. If you are a candidate and not an employer, this isn’t for you.

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By creating an account, you confirm that you agree to Thrive's terms & conditions and privacy policy. As part of this you will receive occasional emails relating to our product and related news
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“Since using Thrive, the quality of candidates making it through the shortlisting phase has been a much greater quality, whilst also supporting de-biasing the process at the same time…. I’ve already recommended Thrive to a number of colleagues and would recommend anyone looking for this type of solution to take a look.”
McLaren F1
Lead HR Manager

Learn how to get started

Test out Thrive's market-leading platform today!

The most highly accredited assessment provider in the market
Takes 5 minutes to set up with no training or onboarding required
Assessments are job specific, personalising to each role and team culture
Advanced candidate and employee reporting through beautifully designed dashboards
Employs rigorous procedures to ensure all assessments are at the highest level - protecting against any potential bias and ensuring fairness
Integrates with a wide range of applicant tracking systems

Trusted by 500+ companies globally, including:

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