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Absenteeism: What is it and how to fight back

October 7, 2024

In the midst of a productivity crisis, managing absence appropriately requires a sensitive balance between allowing employees to have a helpful work-life balance that will allow them to be more productive, while still making sure they come into work as much as possible.

Therefore, it is unsurprising that many organisations are focusing on the phenomenon of absenteeism and how it’s impacting their business. But what is it? And how can you reduce absenteeism in your workplace?

What is absenteeism?

Absenteeism is the practice of not attending work without good reason. Of course, everyone is going to be absent sometimes — whether it’s because of sickness, emergencies, or using their time off. However, when employees regularly or habitually stop attending work, are absent without due notice and without good reason, or are off for unacceptable lengths of time, this can become a real issue — and that’s what absenteeism refers to.

How does absenteeism affect the workplace?

Absence of any kind — even a legitimate illness or holiday — costs businesses money. That said, companies should expect a certain level of absence — this is completely healthy. But when absenteeism is routinely experienced, organisations face serious consequences. Beyond the obvious financial toll, these include:

  • Reduced productivity
  • Decreased quality of work
  • Lower morale
  • Detrimentally impacted corporate culture
  • Increased overtime and burnout

How can you reduce absenteeism in the workplace?

Due to its large impact, businesses should make it a priority to reduce absenteeism rates. Here are a few methods organisations can use to tackle this.

Track absences

The first step to addressing any problem is to understand it. Use a system that allows you to accept and track absence, which is essential, especially if you’re starting to feel the impact of absenteeism creeping in.

By doing so, you’ll be able to see which employees are more prone to absenteeism, whether this is a company-wide problem or affecting specific teams or individuals, and assess the gravity of the situation. Then, you’ll be better equipped to discuss the issue with your staff and to start tackling the issue.

Offer flexibility & reward performance

Some of the most prominent causes of absenteeism can be pretty easily fixed. Many employees take leave when they shouldn’t because they are burnt out or because their lives stop them from being able to work a normal 9-5 or go into the office every day. By giving your workers flexibility — with working hours and location — you can curb their need to be absent from work. Instead of taking the whole day off, they can work until they need to pick up their kids from school, and continue working after, for example.

Another important element is leave allowances. If your employees don’t have enough time off, they’re more likely to be absent without due notice. Make sure you offer enough holiday time, and consider specific needs of different employees — for instance, different religions might have festivities that will stop them from working.

In order to ensure your employees are as productive as can be at the same time, try to shift your remuneration from time-at-the-office to performance. If employees know that to get their extra money they need to be more productive, they are less likely to be absent from work unless they really need to. However, this has to be balanced — you don’t want to reduce absenteeism but promote presenteeism instead.

Improve employee engagement & morale

Another key factor is low morale and engagement, so combating this root cause is essential in reducing absenteeism. For example, you could organise social events and encourage your employees to befriend each other, offer a wellbeing programme at the office, and reward teamwork. All of these will not only improve engagement, but also entice your staff to attend the office more regularly. At the end of the day, if they’re having a good time when they come to work, they’re more likely to attend.

Further reading: How to improve employee engagement

Whatever you choose to do to increase your engagement rates, it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse and communicate with your staff. Employing regular surveys, for instance, can be a fantastic way to understand the causes of absenteeism as they are relevant to your workplace specifically. In the Thrive platform, you can send out structured surveys that will help you view a holistic picture of your workforce, and equip you with tips on what needs to be done to improve.

Want to learn more about how Thrive can help you combat absenteeism? Book a demo with us today.

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